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Adding cleaning fees

The cleaning fee is one of several fees that may apply to a reservation (except for listings in China). It helps Hosts keep their listings in good shape and plays a key role in an effective pricing strategy. Cleaning fees are not returned to guests once a trip is completed.

Customize your cleaning fee

Our pricing tools give you the flexibility to customize your cleaning fee.

  • Short-term stay cleaning fee: if you want to offer guests who book 1 or 2 nights in your listing a lower cleaning fee than the standard cleaning fee (you can opt-in and out as you wish)
  • Standard cleaning fee: this is the amount charged for all stays or stays longer than 2 nights if you offer a short-stay cleaning fee

Your cleaning fee typically pays for the housekeeping you expect to do after hosting guests. For unexpected cleaning costs, such as removing smoke odors, AirCover offers $3 million USD in damage protection.

Short-stay and standard cleaning fees are determined at the time of booking based on the guest’s stay length. For altered reservations, Hosts should verify that appropriate cleaning fees are charged for the final terms of the reservation.

How to add or edit cleaning fees

Edit cleaning fees on desktop

  1. Click Calendar and select the listing you want to change
  2. Click Pricing
  3. Under Additional charges, click Fees
  4. Click Cleaning fee and make your changes
  5. Click Save

When creating a special offer, Hosts should factor in the cleaning fee, as it’s not automatically included.

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