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Pricing your listing

What should you charge? It’s up to you, but these tips could help you decide:

  • Understand the total guest price and what you’ll earn using price breakdown.
  • Try the similar listings feature, which allows you to compare your price to similar listings that have been booked nearby. You can find this feature directly within your price settings.
  • Consider offering a discount for weekly or monthly guests. Set the percentage of your choice in your pricing settings.
  • Plan on charging a cleaning fee? Build it into your nightly price or add it as a stand-alone fee.

Once you’ve landed on a number, go ahead and set your price.

Remember to use the Resolution Center to securely request payment for extra fees. Airbnb isn’t responsible for collecting payments that aren’t already incorporated into your nightly price.

Price breakdown

Use the price breakdown feature to understand what guests pay and what you’ll earn for a night or for a trip.

Price breakdown for a night:

  1. Go to Calendar and select a listing
  2. Select Settings at the top of Calendar
  3. Navigate to the Base price section under Pricing
  4. Click on the dropdown below your set price to view the nightly price breakdown

Price breakdown for a trip:

  1. Go to Calendar and select a listing
  2. Select one night or continuous nights in Calendar
  3. Click on Guest total to access a price breakdown for the nights selected

Additional fees you set—including cleaning—are excluded from the nightly price breakdown.

Airbnb’s guest service fee may change with booked trip information. The fee may change due to the booking’s length of stay and, when applicable, VAT on Airbnb’s guest service fee. Read more about how VAT applies to you

Taxes for booked trips may change based on trip information guests provide. You are responsible for assessing all tax obligations. Learn more about how taxes work.

Extra fees for pets

Service animals always stay free, but Hosts may charge extra for pets and emotional support animals, depending on the listing location. You’ll now collect pet fees as part of your listing’s nightly price. If you’d previously selected “No pets allowed” but now want to include a pet fee, you’ll get a message explaining that your listing will be changed to “Pets allowed.” Your pet fee also can’t be more than your nightly price. Learn more about pets and related cleaning fees.

Remember to use the Resolution Center to securely request payment for extra fees. Airbnb isn’t responsible for collecting payments that aren’t already incorporated into your nightly rate.

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  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host one two three four

    Manage your price settings

    Edit your listing to manage your nightly price, discounts, and more.
  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host one two three four

    Similar listings

    Refer to this article to know how to compare your listings with similar ones.
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    Set and customize nightly pricing

    Edit your listing to manage your nightly price. Any changes you make will only apply to future reservations.
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