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Edit guest info on your Experience reservation

You can make sure that the guests included on your Experience reservation have all the exciting details they need by adding their names and email addresses. They’ll get an email invitation that has instructions on how to prepare for and attend the Experience.

If you’d like to change the number of guests on your Experience reservation, find out how to change your reservation.

Adding guest info

To add a guest’s info to your Experience reservation:

  1. Go to Trips and click the Experience you want to change
  2. Click Show details
  3. Click Manage guests
  4. Add your guest’s name and email address, and click Invite

Removing guest info

To remove a guest’s info from your Experience reservation:

  1. Go to Trips and click the Experience you want to change
  2. Click Show details, and click Manage guests
  3. Next to guest you’d like to remove, click Remove
  4. Click Remove to confirm

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