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How do I add or remove a group discount to my Airbnb Experience?

You can add or remove a group discount from your pricing settings page, starting at 2 guests.

To add a group rate:

  1. Click Guest pricing under Price settings
  2. Click Add group rate
  3. Enter the group size and discount percentage
  4. Click Save

Note: Once you enter the group size and discount, you’ll be shown the price per person.

To remove a group rate:

  1. Click Guest pricing under Price settings
  2. Click Remove group rate
  3. Click Save
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  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host one two three four

    Change or withdraw a special offer

    You can make changes to or withdraw a special offer as long as a guest hasn't accepted it.
  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host one two three four

    Set days of the week when guests can’t check in or out

    You can control when guests can check in at your stay by editing the availability under your listings.
  • help_center_platform.home.stays_host one two three four

    Host Discount Policy

    These terms and conditions apply to Hosts who offer discounts on the price of their Listing(s) (“Host Discount Policy”).
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