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Safety tips when traveling with children

We love to welcome kids to our Airbnb family! 

To make sure a place is suitable for kids, you can review the listing's Family Amenities, and message the Host your questions before you book.

The safety of our Hosts, guests, and accompanying children is one of our highest priorities. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-timer, our safety tips will help you along the way.

In France, we’re also partnering with the French Minister of Sports to provide information about water safety and preventing drowning.

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  • How-to
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    Safety tips for choosing a place

    From ratings to safety features, learn how to find a place to stay where you will feel safe and secure.
  • Rules
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    Traveling with children

    Yes, children can travel on Airbnb, but some Hosts have specified that their space may not be safe or suitable for children or infants.
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