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Traveling with children

Many of our Hosts pride themselves on creating spaces for memorable family vacations. And some Hosts specify that their space may not be safe or suitable for children or infants. Everything should be in the listing details, but feel free to message the Host if you have questions. 

Let the Host know who’s coming—including infants and children—when making a trip request. While infants (children under 2 years old) don’t often incur any extra costs, some Hosts count children as guests, which can add an additional guest fee to the reservation.

Familial status considerations

Airbnb is committed to developing an inclusive and respectful community that is welcoming of all people, but some listings have features that may be of concern to families traveling with children or infants. Where the law allows, Hosts can place reasonable restrictions on the use of their listing, but if any guest feels they’ve been discriminated against because of their familial status, we will immediately investigate and help the guest find another place to stay.

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