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Weekend pricing

You can vary your pricing on Friday and Saturday nights by setting custom weekend pricing.

Set weekend pricing

If you want to set your weekend price, turn off Smart Pricing.

    1. Go to Calendar and select a listing
    2. In the panel next to Calendar, click the Pricing tab
    3. Under Pricing, click Custom weekend price
    4. Enter your custom weekend price, then click Save

    To remove weekend pricing, click or tap “Remove” next to your custom weekend price. Your Friday and Saturday night prices will then revert to your default nightly price

    Your pricing changes won't affect pending or accepted reservations.

    Overriding existing price settings

    In the case of weekend versus custom pricing, your newer price will override your previous settings. or example:

    • Setting weekend pricing after you’ve already set custom weekly and monthly pricing means your new weekend pricing will replace all Friday and Saturday night pricing on your calendar.
    • Setting weekend pricing before custom pricing means your new custom price will override your weekend price.

    Find out how to boost your bookings with a savvy pricing strategy.

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