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Editing your business details

Need to change your business details? No problem. You can edit your business details from your Host dashboard.

If you need to update business details that need to be verified to comply with legal requirements (such as your legal business name or business registration details), you'll be asked to acknowledge that we’ll need to verify your new info before you can continue.

To edit your business details:

  1. Go to Business details and click Add or Edit on the field you want to update.
  2. Add your new information and click Save (If updating your phone number or email address, click Next to confirm the new info using a one-time code).

To edit legal business details:

  1. Go to Business details and at the bottom of the list of fields, click Make updates here.
  2. Once you’ve read the verification notice, click Got it.
  3. Click Edit on the field you want to update.
  4. Add your new information and click Next.
  5. You may be prompted to add information about any beneficial owners or account managers associated with your business. To add this info, click Next, or to skip, click Save and exit.
  6. Once your information has been added, click Confirm.
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