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Guest Favorites: Most-loved homes according to guests

As a Host, it’s great when guests say your place is their favorite, so we made it official. Guest Favorites are a collection of the most-loved homes on Airbnb, according to the real experts; guests.

Being a Guest Favorite helps you stand out

Guest Favorites are based on ratings, reviews, and reliability data from over half a billion trips. Listings are evaluated automatically every day to determine which homes are the most loved by guests.

If your place is one of the 2 million Guest Favorites, your listing will feature a badge in search results and on your Listings page. There’s also a filter that allows travelers to specifically search for Guest Favorites.

How hosts earn the Guest Favorite badge

A variety of factors help identify Guest Favorites, including:

  • At least five reviews from guests
  • Excellent reviews and ratings above 4.9 stars on average
  • High marks from guest reviews for check-in, cleanliness, accuracy, Host communication, location, and value
  • Superb record of reliability, with Host cancellations and quality-related customer service issues of 1% on average

Focusing on these main areas can help your home become one of the most loved by guests on Airbnb.

The difference between Guest Favorite and Superhost status

Each of your listings will be treated individually when determining eligibility for the Guest Favorite badge.

If you’re a Superhost who has a listing included in Guest Favorites, both will be highlighted on your listing page and your listing will have a Guest Favorite badge in search results. If you’re a Superhost with a listing that doesn’t qualify for Guest Favourites yet, you’ll still be recognised with a Superhost badge both on your listing page and in search results.

Airbnb’s Superhost program is not changing. Superhost criteria remain the same, and we’ll continue to check Superhost performance quarterly.

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