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Adding a property to Airbnb Luxe

If you would like your property to be a part of our global collection of luxury listings, review the Airbnb Luxe standards and requirements to understand the requirements associated with the category.

To add your existing Airbnb listing to the Luxe category, learn about how listings are added to categories, or if you’re a new Airbnb host, create your listing first.

Note that our Luxe category review process takes place on a limited basis and during certain periods of the year; if your property is considered a potential fit for the category, we will be in touch at that time. Submitting a listing does not guarantee inclusion in the category.

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    Luxe: Getting started

    All Airbnb Luxe Hosts must have an Airbnb account. If you do not have an existing Airbnb account, please create a new account.
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    Translating your listing into other languages

    If you’re able to write a version of your listing description in another language, we encourage you to do so.
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    Reviews for Experiences

    Our community relies on honest, transparent reviews. Hosts and guests write about their time once the experience has ended.
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