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Community policy

Avoiding fraud, scams, and abuse

We take steps to protect Airbnb's platform's integrity and mitigate the risks and losses associated with fraud, scams, and abuse by taking action against violators.

What we do allow

  • Select off-site payments: Certain off-site payments are permitted only when permission has been granted in advance by Airbnb and guests are made aware prior to booking. This includes but is not limited to: collections of local tax or occupancy tax, “all-inclusive” fees at timeshares or resorts, security deposits or incidental fees such as pet fees, valet parking, wifi charge, gym fee, breakfast fee, etc.

What we don’t allow

  • Extortion: Hosts and guests must not use direct or indirect threats to coerce an intended outcome (ex: a payment, review, etc.) from an individual or group.
  • Off-platform activity: Hosts and guests must not communicate, share personal contact information, pay, or request payment for a reservation or experience outside of Airbnb’s platform.
  • Coupon and referral abuse: Hosts and guests must not attempt to misuse Airbnb’s coupon and referral program.
  • Non-fraud chargebacks: Hosts and guests must not attempt to misuse or make false chargeback claims to obtain a refund.

Learn more about our policy for collecting fees in person

We're here to help

If you witness or experience behavior that goes against our policies, please let us know.

While these guidelines don’t cover every possible scenario, they’re designed to offer general guidance on Airbnb’s community policies.

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  • help_center_platform.home.guest one two three four

    Who can have an Airbnb account

    Individuals who threaten or pose a safety risk to others have no place in our community.
  • help_center_platform.home.guest one two three four

    How do I know if an email or website is really from Airbnb?

    Fraudulent emails and websites often have an urgent tone and threaten account suspension. When in doubt, start at the Airbnb home page.
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    Report suspicious messages

    If you get a suspicious message, let us know by contacting us or flagging it in your inbox.
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