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Experience Host

Changing the category of your experience

Depending on the category of your experience, there may be unique standards and requirements that you’ll need to meet before publishing on Airbnb.

Because of these standards, you can’t change the main theme or category of your published experience⁠—for example, moving an experience from the photography category to the cooking category.

The good news is, in most cases, you can still change your experience’s second theme (or sub-category) if you have the option to make a change after your experience is published. If you don’t have the option, you won’t be able to make an update to your sub-category.

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    Changing your experience after it’s published

    Congratulations on your new experience! Your guests are going to be excited. But what if you want to make changes?
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    How listings are categorized

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    Add amenities to a listing

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