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How do I create or edit a task?

You need to be part of a hosting team, and have any role besides “Tasks” (learn more about hosting teams on Airbnb) in order to create or edit a task. Task tools allow hosting teams to create specific jobs for other team members or service providers to complete, such as cleaning before or after a guest's stay, maintenance jobs, or greeting arriving guests onsite. An individual task can be assigned to an individual person and a specific listing.

To create a new task with a checklist of steps, you’ll want to create a template first. Find out how to create a template.

To create a task:

  1. Log in to your account on a desktop computer or browser (not using the Airbnb app) and go to Tasks
  2. Go to Task overview > All tasks
  3. Click or tap New task
  4. Fill out each mandatory field and click or tap Save
  5. The task will now show up on the All tasks page

If you’d like the task to have a checklist of steps, create a template to attach to the task

To edit a task:

  1. Log in to your account on a desktop computer or browser (not using the Airbnb app) and go to Tasks
  2. Go to Task overview > All tasks
  3. Select the date or week you’d like to view
  4. Click or tap on the the task you want to edit
  5. In the task view, scroll down to the bottom of the task and click or tap Edit task
  6. On the task editing page, make your changes and click or tap Save
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