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Experience Host

Experiences involving alcohol

This information page can help you get started in learning about some of the laws and registration requirements that may apply to your experiences on Airbnb.

Please understand that this information page is general, not comprehensive, and is not legal advice. These pages are intended to give you an idea of the types of rules that may apply to your experiences and to help you understand some of the things to consider in relation to your experience.

Different countries, states, and cities have different licensing requirements and rules and it is your responsibility as a host to make sure you comply with local laws and regulations. These pages are not intended to be an explanation of the specific rules that apply in your jurisdiction, or your particular situation, nor are these pages a substitute to seeking legal advice. If you are unsure about how local laws or this information may apply to you or your experiences, we encourage you to check with official sources or seek legal advice.

Please note that we don’t update this information in real time, so you should confirm that the laws or procedures have not changed recently.*

I plan to include alcohol during my experience, is there anything I should be thinking about?

Yes. If you plan to include alcohol during your experience, we encourage you to please keep your safety, and that of your guests, front of mind.

Safe experiences do not involve providing alcohol to a guest:

  • Who is under the legal drinking age
  • Who will be driving or operating any type of vehicle or mechanical equipment
  • Who looks or acts inebriated or who you know is intending to drive afterward
  • Who has informed you that they are ill, have a drinking problem, or do not want to participate
  • Who is participating in an experience where any remaining portion of the activities involves physical activity (like yoga, swimming, hiking, biking) or operating machinery or would otherwise be hazardous if intoxicated

We want to remind you that in most jurisdictions, the sale of alcohol to, or consumption of alcohol by, those under the minimum drinking age is punishable by fines and criminal penalties.

Do I need licenses if I serve alcohol to my guests at my home, at a private venue, or outdoors?

To sell alcohol to your guests, you generally either need a license or you need to hire a caterer licensed to sell alcohol. Note that, for a variety of reasons, licenses are not generally available to sell alcohol at a private residence. Selling alcohol includes situations where:

  • You sell alcohol to your guest directly (e.g. charging a guest for a glass of wine that you serve yourself)
  • You sell alcohol to your guest indirectly (e.g. including a charge for the wine you serve to your guest in your experience price)

Here are some additional things to think about before hosting an experience involving alcohol:

  • You may be required to obtain a license if you host an experience which you advertise as being BYO (bring-your-own) alcohol, depending on the jurisdiction and your specific experience.
  • Some jurisdictions have restrictions on the hours during which you may serve alcohol.
  • Some jurisdictions have restrictions which may impact the ways in which you can advertise an experience involving alcohol.
  • Several jurisdictions prohibit the use, distribution, or sale of powdered alcohol or concentrated alcohol in any alcoholic beverages.

You generally would not require a license to host an experience involving alcohol being served by a licensed venue or caterer, although hosting an alcohol tour of a number of licensed premises may require a permit or license in some jurisdictions.

Does the location of the experience impact what I need to think about?

If your experience involves the consumption, sale, or distribution of alcohol in a public venue or place, including on public lands or in parks, there are likely to be additional regulations, restrictions, or prohibitions that you should consider before offering your experience.

If you are unsure about anything relating to your experience, we encourage you to check with your local alcohol regulator, or speak to a lawyer, to discuss your experience and confirm your experience complies with local laws, including health, tax, and insurance requirements.

* Please note that Airbnb has no control over the conduct of hosts and disclaims all liability. Failure of hosts to satisfy their responsibilities may result in suspension of activity or removal from the Airbnb website.

Airbnb is not responsible for the reliability or correctness of the information contained in any links to third party sites (including any links to legislation and regulations).

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