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Experience Host

Hosting a Social Impact experience

A great way to connect people (both travelers and locals) to the mission of your nonprofit organization is by hosting an Airbnb Social Impact experience. You can raise awareness to your cause and generate sustainable income—Airbnb waives our 20% service fee for social impact experiences, so all funds you raise go directly to achieving your mission.

Who’s eligible to host

Social impact hosts can be staff, board members, contractors, volunteers, or supporters of a local nonprofit—people who have real expertise in the work of the nonprofit and the consent of the organization.

The organization itself must be a registered NGO/nonprofit, as defined by our partner TechSoup, and be validated through TechSoup.

International nonprofits operating in Cuba are welcome to apply to the experiences program. Community Interest Companies registered in the UK may also be eligible. For either of these categories, please contact due to a separate verification process.

Who's not eligible to host

  • Religious or belief organizations, except when the activities being sponsored are non-sectarian, such as soup kitchens or shelters, and are open to all faiths.
  • Organizations that discriminate or have exclusionary practices on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, or other issues of diversity, even if this could be permitted by local laws.
  • Political or lobbying organizations, fraternities/sororities and certain advocacy and mutual benefit organizations.

How to start hosting

If you have only a personal Airbnb account, you’ll need to sign out and then create a new account for your organization. If you have an existing Airbnb account for your organization, you can use that account to create your experience.

New Social Impact hosts

  • Confirm your organization’s eligibility by logging in or registering an account with TechSoup (this can take up to 2 weeks).
  • Add a profile picture that shows guests who will be hosting them. Profile pictures should not feature the logo of the nonprofit organization.
  • Add the organization’s bank information as a payout method. Since Airbnb waives fees for Social Impact experiences, 100% of the proceeds are paid directly to the nonprofit through this payout method. If your organization requires a fiscal sponsor, please be sure the fiscal sponsor completes this process.
  • Submit your experience and wait for the approval notification.
  • Once approved, contact us with the following information:
    • Experience URL
    • NGO organization name
  • Our team will review the details and convert your experience to Social Impact within 2 weeks.

Important to note: Once your experience is converted, you’ll need to fill out additional details for the organization, which will appear on their listing page.

  1. Go to your dashboard
  2. Select Edit Experience
  3. Select Organization
  4. Describe the nonprofit organization

Current Social Impact hosts

If you've already listed one experience and want to create another one:

  • Submit your experience and wait for the approval notification.
  • Once approved, contact us with the following information:
    • Experience URL
    • NGO organization name
  • Our team will review the details and convert your experience to Social Impact within 2 weeks.

Important to note: Once approved, you’ll need to fill out additional details for the organization, which will appear on their listing page.

  1. Go to your dashboard
  2. Select Edit Experience
  3. Select Organization
  4. Describe the nonprofit organization

If you want to find out more, browse the current Social Impact experiences on Airbnb, or check us out in the press. 

Note: Airbnb reserves the right to change its service fee policies and/or eligibility criteria at any time, including to add or remove particular categories of nonprofit or social enterprise.

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